Lauren Gemmell

Food, Fitness, and Technology

Tag: cream

Mother’s Day Scones

My mum is in New Zealand on holiday this mother’s day, sunning herself on a beach, whilst I sit in Edinburgh in surrounded by at least an inch of snow.

Scones for Mother's Day

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Raspberry and Whisky Trifle

There is an inherent difference between men and women, or at least between Matt and I. I want fuss and time and effort, Matt wants anything for the easy life – the less stress version.

This is most obvious by looking at what I made each of us for a birthday cake. I wanted a stunning three layer brightly coloured cake, lots of time, lots of effort, lots of stress and essentially (in this case) disappointment.

Raspberry and Whisky Trifle

Matt however wanted… nothing, he wouldn’t be drawn on what he wanted at all as his birthday cake this year. For a while I thought about making a lemon torte, but I have tried umpteen different recipes and none of them worked, none of them were really even tasty. In the end I gave in to what he wanted which was the least stress option.

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