Last time I wrote about how I managed to find a new way to feel more productive at work. Writing three concrete things to accomplish each day has lead to a dramatic change in how I feel. But, what about the issues that are too large to fix by the end of the day?


Or worse the issues you have no control over? Or the ones that you just can’t break down? How do you come up with a concrete list of steps for those?

Well the experiment I am trying this week is, “what’s the next step?”. What one thing can I try that might make this better? Or gives me more information for concrete steps?

  • Stressed about finances? What one thing can I reduce spending on this week?
  • Worried about something at work? Who should I talk to? How can I get more information?
  • How can I protect myself from the impending doom of brexit?

I’ll let you know how it goes… but this may take more than a week.