Today is a year since I wrote my first blog posts here on CoffeeMuffins, and I am so proud of my baby. I feel that with this blog I have created something from nothing, in much the same way I did when I made my first loaf of bread or when I had my first dinner party.

No Knead Wholewheat Boule

With any sort of anniversary it gives you that nudge to take stock of where you stand and what you have accomplished. To see all the successes and the failures, and hopefully to allow you to learn from them.

Pistachio Macarons

The main improvement, apart from confidence in my own culinary skills (I haven’t poisoned anyone yet!) – is the improvement in my photography. Those first grainy poorly lit shots and my occasional misjudged attempts to take blog worthy photos with my iPhone, are now slightly embarrassing – but you have to start somewhere!

But most of all after a year I am still having so much fun, and now I’m proud to say “I’m Lauren Dempster*, and I am a food blogger”.

* And now no longer an almost-anonymous blogger 🙂